If you’ve been wanting to gain mass and get ripped, you have come to the right place. To make your goal a reality, you will have to do more than just lift weights. It’s almost impossible to get ripped and gain mass at the same time. Most people who attempt to do both at the same time end up going nowhere.
You might want to shred some fat to reveal your muscles but you have less to none. You must grow your muscles first before you try to lose fat so you can reveal your muscles underneath. You will then have the body of your dreams. The path to that dream, of course, is not easy. Here are some steps that will help you achieve that dream:
You are going to have to adjust your daily calories and macros to achieve optimum fat-loss results. First, you will have to calculate your daily macros and calories. This will be based on your personal characteristics like height, weight, age, activity level, gender, and more.
Your protein intake will have to be pretty high. Protein stimulates the muscle-protein synthesis and it also slows down tissue breakdown. It also slows down digestion and triggers the release of appetite-suppressing hormones that will help you against hunger and cravings. Consuming less protein than you need may cause your hard-earned muscle mass to be used as energy.
You will have to adjust all the time. You have to weigh yourself multiple times a week so you can monitor your progress. You need to have about 1 to 2 percent weight loss every week. If you fail to have this, you will have to reduce or increase your caloric intake by about 10 percent then monitor again over time. If you lose weight too fast, you might be losing valuable muscle tissue as well.
When adjusting your caloric intake, your body will sense the deprivation. Your body will adjust your metabolism accordingly. Your body may possibly cling to body fat and use your muscle tissue and proteins for energy. We don't want that.
By Cycling your carbohydrate intake, you might be able to trick your body into not changing your metabolism. Cycling carbohydrates means consuming higher amounts on some days and then smaller amounts on others. You can coordinate your training around two days of moderate carbohydrates followed by three days of low carbohydrates. You can repeat the pattern over your routine for an entire 42 days.
You will need to adjust your training to maintain your muscle size, increase the details, and complete more work in less time. You won't be able to make it through lengthy workouts on small carbohydrate intake. You won't be able to build muscle because you're not eating a surplus of calories. High-repetition sets won't help you either. Your goal is to provide the training stimulus to maintain what you have already achieved.
It would help if you had efficient workouts. You have to choose multijoint exercises over single-jointed exercises. By doing multijoint exercises, you will be able to hit more muscle groups. You will also be able to push more weight. Doing this can also better trigger the release of anabolic hormones that can enhance both muscle growth and fat burning.
You have to keep your loads moderately heavy. At the beginning of your workout, take advantage of your higher muscle glycogen stores by pushing those moderately heavy loads for higher repetitions. As you get tired, you can add higher repetitions in your training.
You also have to limit the length of your workouts. Prioritize to do more work in less time. Instead of adding more volume or sets to your workout, you can do techniques such as rest-pause, drop sets, supersets, cluster sets, and density training in your downtime. This can help you burn more calories and elevate your metabolism.
You have to shorten your rest periods. Aim to get more work done in less time by cutting off 15-30 seconds off your between-set rest times. Save those intensity boosters for the latter two-thirds part of your workout session. By this, you can still get a substantial size and strength stimulus early on.
You can burn more calories by doing high-intensity interval training. It is one way to widen the gap between your calories consumed and burned. It has some advantages over cardio performed at a steady pace. Most people see more significant improvements in body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, and exercise performance.
You can do high-intensity interval training with a stair machine, treadmill, battle ropes. You can do it with any equipment where you can easily change up the intensity and engage more substantial muscle groups.
Never deprive yourself of recovery. Intense workouts may leave you hungry, moody, and tired. After your workout, use light cardio to bring your heart rate back to normal. It will help you recover faster so you can be ready more quickly for your next workout. You may experience less post-workout muscle soreness as a result.
After the workout, consume 25-30 grams of whey protein with an equal or more amount of carbohydrates. It will help you with protein synthesis and restocking spent glycogen. You can have caffeine to help you fight fatigue, increase the rate of fat breakdown, and reduce perceived exertion.
Lack of sleep may increase catabolic hormones, and this would increase muscle breakdown while decreasing testosterone. This could also reduce levels of protein synthesis. Lack of sleep can also dampen the release of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), a hormone with anabolic properties.
It would help if you rested so that your body and mind can recover. It will help you be ready to give maximum effort every workout session.
There is no short route to achieving your goal, but you can always follow the right path so you can get to your goal faster. Always remember that to achieve your goal, you have to be consistent. You may need to track your body weight, diet, training, and cardio. It would help if you also remembered to adjust to your progress to ensure that you're moving in the right direction.
Photo by Pikx By Panther from Pexels
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